
Knowing these 10 Secrets Will Make Your Small Independent Grocery Store a Huge Success

April 12, 2018

Small independent grocery store in 2018 need a new edge against growing competition from national chains and even online giants like Amazon. But with so much change in the industry, it is still possible for small businesses to thrive? You just need to find smart ways to set your store’s experience apart. Here are 10 tips to help small grocery stores survive this challenging time.

Tips for Grocery Store Owners

Personalize Messaging to Your Customers

As a business that’s specific to one local community or neighborhood, you have the benefit of catering your product line and messaging to the people who are most likely to come to your store, rather than sticking to generic supermarket fare. This means you can take hyper-local flavors, preferences, and shopping habits into account when stocking your shelves.

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