
Tag: Digital Project Management

Management, Strategy & Planning

What Is Mind Mapping? (+ How To Do It & Best Software)

June 22, 2022

Via: The Digital Project Manager

What Is Mind Mapping? In a nutshell, mind mapping is a method to map out all that great stuff that wanders around in your head, which your brain naturally tries to make sense of or look for patterns in. It […]

Leadership & Career Development, Management

How To Build Your Digital Project Manager Resume + Example?

June 6, 2022

Via: Digital Project Manager

If you’re looking for a job in the field of digital project management, it’s important to have a resume that showcases your skills and experience. I have personally hired numerous project managers in the tech industry and have reviewed hundreds […]

Leadership & Career Development, Management

How To Choose A Digital Project Management Course For 2022

January 25, 2022

Via: The Digital Project Manager

Most project managers know you don’t necessarily need formal digital project management courses or a project management certification to get a job. In fact, there’s tons of anecdotal evidence to support the contrary. Raise your hand if you’ve been one […]

Management, Product Management

What Is Digital Project Management? [Ultimate Guide]

November 8, 2021

Via: The Digital Project Manager

What Is Digital Project Management? Let’s lay out exactly what digital project management is with a nifty math equation: The fast-paced world of digital + project management = the leading, planning, organizing, motivating, and delivery of web-enabled projects using the […]