
Tag: creativity

Leadership & Career Development, Management

Incorporating This Simple Activity Into Your Daily Routine Can Boost Your Productivity, Creativity and Business

February 20, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

After experiencing burnout in 2017 due to excessive work, I turned to daily long walks in nature as a form of recovery. This simple yet profound activity has since become an integral part of my routine, not only aiding in […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

22 Design Apps Like Canva to Boost Your Business Creativity

February 5, 2024

Via: Small Business Trends

Canva has revolutionized graphic design with its user-friendly drag-and-drop editor, making it a go-to for creating stunning graphics and images. But why stop there? Dive into a world beyond Canva, where 22 other apps and websites offer fresh, creative possibilities […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

If You Want Your Business to Last, Slow Down — 3 Ways To Prepare Your Company For The Long Haul

January 8, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more. My co-founder Brendan and I are lucky to be in that 25%. This year, our company, Wistia, turned 17. After nearly two decades in the game, we’ve learned […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

Snapchat+ Unveils Exciting New AI Features for Its 7 Million Subscribers

December 15, 2023

Via: Small Business Trends

Snapchat has always been at the forefront of social media innovation, and its latest update to Snapchat+, the platform’s subscription tier, is no exception. With over seven million subscribers, Snapchat+ is now introducing new AI-powered features that are set to […]

Leadership & Career Development, Management

The Key to Generating Maximum Value in Today’s Fast-Changing, Competitive Business Environment

June 30, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Innovation today is moving faster than ever. In the last two years, we collected 90 percent of the world’s data from various sources, like social media posts and online purchases to GPS tracking and health devices. In 2023, 91.6 percent […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

5 Traits and Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs in 2023

June 7, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Thanks to technology and social media, entrepreneurship has become more accessible than ever. But, it’s important to understand that being an entrepreneur takes more than just having a good idea — it also requires skillful execution. Here are five skills […]

Leadership & Career Development, Management

How Embracing Your Inner Artist Skyrockets Your Business Success

June 6, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Running a company is a challenging and creative undertaking — there are no boundaries, and no one from whom to ask permission. That’s one of the most rewarding aspects, but also one of the most difficult: Richard Branson said in […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

Boldness Is Key When It Comes to Starting a Business — Here Are 5 Ways to Boldly Launch Yours

May 24, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Launching a business requires a lot of hard work and dedication. However, sometimes it takes more than that to make your business successful. Boldness is key when it comes to launching a company, and being able to make pragmatic choices […]

Leadership & Career Development, Management

How Entrepreneurs Can Increase Their Flow and Boost Creativity and Productivity

April 14, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Flow, or being “in the zone,” is a state of mind where you can get the best out of yourself. It’s that feeling when you are completely immersed in what you are doing and have forgotten about time. When entrepreneurs […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

How to Unleash Your Creativity and Transform Your Marketing Strategy

August 9, 2022

Via: Entrepreneur

A critical piece of my role at Meta is talking to small business owners about their wins and, most importantly, their challenges, so that we can take those learnings to better serve the SMB community. And while all small businesses […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

Amplified Marketing Will Bring Connection, Creativity and Results Together Again

July 13, 2022

Via: Entrepreneur

Three words lie at the heart of what’s broken in content marketing. Those same words hold the key to fixing marketing: connection, creativity and results. Today’s content marketers often feel pressured to sacrifice the first two — connection and creativity […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

7 Tips for Memorable Loyalty Program Names

April 7, 2021

Via: Business 2 Community

Never underestimate the value of a great first impression. In terms of loyalty, the first impression often lies within the rewards program’s name (and in its selection of rewards, but we’ve covered that in our rewards guide). Though you’ll have […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

Ecommerce Marketing Automation: More Sales, Less Work

March 2, 2021

Via: Business 2 Community

Even if you aren’t an expert, chances are, you implicitly grasp how great automation might be for your ecommerce marketing efforts. However, if you’re like most people who are unfamiliar with the particulars of automation, hearing this word — and […]

Management, Proposal Management

What Innovative Leaders Know About Creative Thinking

November 21, 2019

Via: Business 2 Community

The biggest misconception surrounding creativity is that it is an inherent talent. In reality, creativity is a discipline that can be learned and honed. As a business leader, it’s a skill that you will use and strengthen every day. Simply […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

Nothing to See Here? Social Media Marketing for Businesses That Aren’t Photogenic

October 3, 2018

Via: Entrepreneur

Social media is inherently visual. In order to properly utilize social platforms as effective marketing channels, a company must be capable of delivering content in an easily digestible and attractive way. In today’s market, images are the number one consumed […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

Watch Out! These 9 Tips May Boost Your Creativity as an Entrepreneur

March 15, 2018

Via: Small Business Trends

Creativity is like a muscle. It must be stretched, challenged, and occasionally pushed past its comfort zone. Now it’s time to stretch your creative muscles again. Ways to Boost Creativity Here are nine ways you can dramatically improve your creativity. […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

4 Ways Creativity Is Killing Your Viable Business Ideas

June 22, 2017

Via: Entrepreneur

Even the greatest visionaries fall victim to it. You’re sitting at home or in your office, and out of nowhere inspiration strikes. What once was a confused jumble of unrelated concepts comes together to form a great business idea. Before […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

Does the Marketing Unicorn Exist?

April 20, 2017

Via: Business 2 Community

A Unicorn, a mythical creature of legend, that is as rare as it is majestic, has ignited a craze recently that many a marketer is looking to leverage. Take Starbucks for example, who today launched their ‘Unicorn Frappuccino’, a brightly […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

5 Ways to Boost Creativity in Your Business

February 3, 2016

Via: Entrepreneur

In the Information Age, winning is not about being bigger, richer, or working harder than the competition. Increasingly, business success today goes to the entrepreneur who can come up with the most creative solutions to pressing problems. For example, Uber […]