
Tag: crisis

Management, Strategy & Planning

From Reactive to Proactive — 3 Ways to Make Your Venture Recession-Proof

October 20, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Economic recessions can be daunting for businesses across various industries, but agile new ventures have a unique opportunity to thrive during challenging times. During economic downturns, businesses want to reduce costs while keeping operations going. Any company can be agile […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

82% of Entrepreneurs Feel Better Prepared to Handle a Crisis

November 10, 2020

Via: Small Business Trends

Despite the economic downturn and the huge disruption to industries, small businesses are expressing optimism about recovery. Not only do they feel optimistic about the future but 82% of entrepreneurs now feel better prepared to handle a crisis. This was […]

Marketing, Sales Experience

Why a Time of Crisis is an Opportunity to Revisit Your B2B Sales Fundamentals

September 9, 2020

Via: Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs in all kinds of industries are still grappling with the repercussions of COVID-19, and although there have been some encouraging signs in recent weeks and months of a possible return to the “New Normal,” we are not yet out […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

How to Adapt Your Business for the Paradigm Shift

July 31, 2020

Via: Entrepreneur

Did you feel it? It doesn’t happen often. Did you recognize it? These are pretty rare. If you did, you’re ahead of the curve. If you didn’t, it might be too late. What I’m referring to is a paradigm shift. […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

5 Ways to Do Smart & Responsible Marketing During COVID-19

March 24, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

In everything we do as brands, context matters. Beyond the basic actions taken to protect employees and businesses during a crisis, brands can either help or hinder our collective experience. So when a cultural moment shifts as dramatically as it […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

8 Ways for Your Business to Stay Ahead During the Coronavirus Outbreak

March 23, 2020

Via: Entrepreneur

Setting direct health concerns aside, it has now become clear that coronavirus will not pass without leaving some long-term business and economic consequences in its wake. While it might be tempting to focus on just staying afloat in the moment, […]