
Tag: customer

Marketing, Sales Experience

Your Value Proposition is Not About You

February 11, 2021

Via: Business 2 Community

ew business concepts are as topical and ‘buzzwordy’ as that of an organizations’ value proposition. The subject of constant debate and conjecture, a value proposition can be defined as a “positioning statement that explains what benefit you provide for who […]

Marketing, Sales Experience

What’s Next? How Are You Moving This Forward?

December 1, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

I have to apologize to Dave (not me). Dave’s a good sales person, we were doing a deal review on a hugely important opportunity for his company. He’s been working the deal pretty well, it’s very complex with several people […]

Marketing, Sales Experience

The 11 Most Important Questions to Find the Best Products to Sell Online

November 13, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

One of the biggest mistakes online sellers make is choosing products that they like but that turn out not to be the best products to sell online. It really does not matter that you think they are great products. The […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

5 Areas of Improvement for Your Website

November 12, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

In the hundreds of websites I’ve designed and built, I’ve learned that there’s only a few common issues that warrant a redesign. Of those, the two biggest are having a poor user experience and interface, and having a site that’s […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

Fundamentals of a Lead Nurturing Strategy

October 29, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

Lead nurturing is the process of engaging with your prospects as they enter a buying journey. Lead nurturing campaigns help marketers build relationships with prospects, from their first interaction on social media, to the time they’ve become a frequent return […]

Marketing, Sales Experience

What’s Driving Your Customer’s Need to Buy?

October 28, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

Understanding what’s driving our customers to change, to address a new opportunity, to solve a problem is critical to our success as sales people. We need to understand what’s driving their need to buy. However, too often, when I ask […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

7 Customer Retention Strategies for the 2020s

September 10, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

Customer retention is key when managing a successful business. You want to keep your customers coming back again and again. You want to create a fan base, loyal brand ambassadors, your very own cult. Well, maybe not that far… A […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

Loyalty Emails – The Complete Guide

September 8, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

Email communication is a tried and tested way to stay in touch with your customers. This is especially true for loyalty programs: keeping members in the loop regarding their progress, benefits, and reward prospects ensure both high engagement and high […]

Finance, Marketing, Sales Experience

Good Revenue and Bad Revenue

September 1, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

It might seem odd, particularly in these difficult economic times, to talk about the concept of “good and bad revenue.” Some of you may be thinking “revenue is revenue, all revenue is good!” What’s the difference between good and bad […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

Key Principles for Turning a Side Hustle Into a 6-Figure Business

July 15, 2020

Via: Entrepreneur

With millions of Americans out of work, many are starting side hustles they hope can pay the bills in the short-term, and perhaps grow into a sustainable business. Entrepreneurship requires a lot of sacrifices, savvy insights and solid execution. Business […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

Make Essential Business Decisions for Success

June 18, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

Business success doesn’t just happen so making the right essential business decisions for success determines whether your business succeeds and how much success you find. Business success is a function of: careful planning, attention to detail, a focus on customer […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

Developing Your Strategic Recovery Plan for the ‘Age of COVID’

June 17, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

Recently, McKinsey & Company released their COVID enterprise recovery plan framework entitled The COVID-19 recovery plan will be digital: A plan for the first 90 days. As the report states, “we have vaulted five years forward in consumer and business […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

4 More Ways to Offer the Right Customer Journey Now

April 7, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

Everyone wants to treat customers and prospects right. Back in March I promised you additional suggestions to keep your customers close and prospects closer. Here are my additional observations to make the customer journey and experience pleasant, meaningful and productive. […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

8 Techniques to Get More Customer Reviews for Your Local Business

February 24, 2020

Via: Search Engine Journal

While digital marketing is always evolving, one thing remains constant: The importance of word of mouth. In the old days, word of mouth was quite literally done by the exchange of words coming out of people’s mouths over casual chit-chats. […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

5 Smart Ways For Companies To Collect Customer Feedback

February 17, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

Having proper data about customer feedback is the most challenging thing today. But is it just enough to get certain feedback from the customer? Just knowing whether the customer is happy with a particular product or service is not enough […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

The Top Customer Success Factors to Help You Create an Enterprise-Wide Strategy

February 10, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

The rise of the recurring revenue business model has placed the customer in control of their business partnerships. Customer value is now achieved over repeated cycles of renewal, and the customer can walk away whenever they see fit. Now more […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

5 Best Practices to Encourage Customer-Centric Growth

February 7, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

A customer-oriented approach to business is fast becoming a necessary ingredient for success in today’s customer-centric economy. The idea is simple: look after your customers, and your customers will look after you. This represents a shift from bygone eras when […]

Marketing, Sales Experience

Finding and Selling to Your Perfect Customer

October 9, 2018

Via: Business 2 Community

How do you go about finding and selling to your perfect customer? Do you know who you’re looking for? And if you know who, do you know how to get their attention and transform them from a prospect to a […]

Marketing, Sales Experience

Sales Lessons Learned

July 17, 2018

Via: Business 2 Community

Selling anything to anyone is a very hard thing to do. Once you get out of your comfort zone and get used to sales, you learn a lot of life lessons. Below you can find 5 of them. It is […]

Marketing, Sales Experience

10 Psychological Tricks to Boost Your Website’s Sales

June 12, 2018

Via: Entrepreneur

Do you want to boost your company’s sales? Whether consumers choose to buy something or not is very often a matter of small psychological triggers. Your product might be great, but if your site isn’t set up for success, you […]