
Tag: email campaign

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

The Definitive Guide To Writing Effective Cold Emails

August 4, 2023

Via: Small Biz Club

Without any doubt, cold emails are here to stay, but writing effective cold emails is a skill that doesn’t come easy. As one of the most cost-effective marketing tactics, they are a powerful tool for generating new leads and expanding […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

25 Basic Marketing Strategies for Beginners

August 3, 2023

Via: Small Business Trends

Not every small business has a marketing budget like the bigger companies. More often than not, entrepreneurs don’t even have a lot of extra time to get the word out on their goods and services. These basic small business marketing […]

Management, Proposal Management

Want to Boost Sales This Holiday Season? Here Are 5 Ways to Prepare for a Successful Holiday Email Marketing Campaign

November 8, 2022

Via: Entrepreneur

If you’re betting on email to boost sales this holiday season, you have the right mindset. Last year, online retail sales grew 11.3% over 2020 to more than $218 billion, according to the National Retail Federation. Although the ease of […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

3 Ways Brands Engage With Their Audience via Email

February 5, 2021

Via: Business 2 Community

With the COVID-19 pandemic wreaking havoc on economies worldwide, companies need to leverage marketing avenues that work for them and sustain them in the years to come. Marketing during a crisis requires some finesse and a careful communication strategy with […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

Reopening Your Business? Here’s How to Leverage Email Marketing to Make it a Success

June 29, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

As local governments begin lifting lock downs and permit more businesses to reopen, email should be one of your go-to channels to entice shoppers back into stores. If you’re like many retailers, you’ve already sent out at least one “Woo […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

Email Marketing: 64 Best Practices to Improve Your Campaign Success

October 23, 2019

Via: Business 2 Community

Email marketing best practices can help you get results for your online business, no matter how small you’re starting out. It’s not just the size of your list that matters. It’s also how excited, engaged, and responsive your subscribers are. […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

5 Ways to Use Email in Your Next Digital Marketing Campaign

August 16, 2018

Via: Business 2 Community

When it comes to launching a new digital marketing campaign, there’s a lot to consider. You need to align your campaign across teams and make sure each platform (and team member) is ready to do its job. Are your current […]