
Tag: Customer Acquisition

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

5 Scrappy Ways to Create Quick Marketing Wins

November 29, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Good marketing is focused on the long-term. It takes time to get your message to stick, to get people interested in what you do, to help them through the buying process and to create increasingly powerful marketing flywheels. There’s no […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

7 Crucial Metrics to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Your Marketing Campaigns

August 14, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

The ability to quantify the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and strategies is no longer a luxury; it’s a strategic imperative that separates thriving businesses from those merely treading water. This article highlights the significance of measuring marketing ROI and explores […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

5 Growth-Hacking Strategies to Help Your Startup Succeed

July 13, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Growing your startup is a challenge. According to 2022 statistics, only 10% of fledgling companies succeed. Given the fierce competition, that’s hardly surprising. As a startup founder, you know that there are a million things to tick off on your […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

Spending the Most Really Does Win the Most Customers. Here’s Why

May 19, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

“Whoever can spend the most, wins.” This is an adage in marketing that happens to be 100% true. If your business is prepared to meet the ever-increasing customer acquisition cost in today’s hyper-competitive digital and traditional media landscape, you are […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

Building a Brand vs. Paid Acquisition: Which Is Best For Your Business? Here’s What You Should Know.

February 9, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Paid acquisition refers to the various methods businesses use to acquire customers, including paid advertising and sponsored content. While these practices can be a quick and easy way to bring in new clients, they can also be costly, particularly for […]

Management, Proposal Management

Boosting Revenue Through Customer Acquisition And Retention: The How-To

December 15, 2022

Via: Entrepreneur

If employees are the backbone of a business, the heart of it is the customer. When a business solves a problem for its ideal customers -doing so with data-driven decisions, right customer acquisition and retention strategies, and visionary outlook- it […]

Management, Proposal Management

How session replays offer secret insights into your customers’ behavior

November 2, 2022

Via: Venture Beat

Competitors are racing head-to-head to get consumers’ attention. They use all means at their disposal to raise awareness of their brands. Most companies are discovering innovative technologies and new business models. Those might be excellent solutions, but how they communicate […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

The Complete Guide to Permission Marketing

December 3, 2021

Via: Business 2 Community

What is permission marketing? To understand permission marketing, you must understand its opposite, interruption marketing. Permission Marketing vs Interruption Marketing Interruption marketing is advertising in the traditional way. The Internet has made interruption marketing worse with more clutter than in […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

New Facebook Business Tools

September 27, 2021

Via: Business 2 Community

Facebook has announced a collection of new tools designed to help businesses in their communications with prospective customers. From ads that encourage people to message them, to free access to QuickBooks and Canva Pro, there are a host of new […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

A Guide to the Best Newsletter Ideas for Your Business

June 28, 2021

Via: Business 2 Community

Many businesses believe leveraging the use of social media is the number one way to attract new customers and keep current customers coming back. While social media is certainly important, data shows that email marketing remains the most effective drive […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

2020 is NOT a Blip: Marketing Predictions are Anyone’s Guess

January 18, 2021

Via: Business 2 Community

While we all may have taken some comfort in saying “Good riddance to 2020” last month, 12:01 on January 1st felt pretty much the same as 11:59 on December 31st. Now we’re a couple of weeks into the new year, […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

Email Reactivation – Strategies to Win Back Dormant Customers

November 20, 2019

Via: Business 2 Community

As part of any good email strategy, customer acquisition, retention and reactivation are all components of a solid email plan. Acquiring new customers will always be a goal but focusing on retention is key. 65% of a company’s business comes […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

How Much Should You Spend on Social Media Marketing?

July 18, 2019

Via: Entrepreneur

Q: When it comes to customer acquisition, how important is paid social media compared with other digital channels? — John L., Houston Social media has created a beautiful opportunity for entrepreneurs: It’s never been easier to get your message in […]

Management, Marketing, Sales Experience, Strategy & Planning

How to Design Your Customer Success Strategy to Win More Customers Faster

July 18, 2019

Via: Business 2 Community

As a B2B SaaS company, your customer success strategy can be your best sales strategy. And I don’t just mean for expanding customers through upsells and cross-sells (farming). I mean for acquiring net-new customers. I’m talking about hunting. Your customer […]

Marketing, Sales Experience

9 Ideas for How to Upsell Your Customers and Increase Sales

May 30, 2019

Via: Business 2 Community

As an e-commerce seller, you’re in business to grow your customer base and increase sales. To do this, you have to reach as many people as possible by way of advertising, promotions, and offers. These are all effective ways to […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

Why You’re Losing Clients and How to Turn It Around

September 21, 2018

Via: Business 2 Community

Losing clients can be a nightmare. Not only is a source of money gone, and now you have to do the new work of finding and securing a replacement client. It’s much easier to retain a client than it is […]

Management, Proposal Management

The 5 Marketing Resolutions Your Business Needs You To Make In 2018

December 27, 2017

Via: Business 2 Community

The new year is almost here, and it always feels a little bit like a fresh start. I know I won’t be the only one setting new goals and making resolutions for 2018. It’s common tradition, after all, to write […]