
Tag: customer feedback

Leadership & Career Development, Management

How to Revolutionize Your Business With a Customer-Centric Model

January 29, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

Alright, fellow entrepreneurs, let’s cut through the usual chatter and dive into some groundbreaking, not-your-everyday strategies for truly embedding customer-centricity into the very DNA of our businesses. This isn’t about surface-level tweaks; it’s about radical shifts and game-changing practices that […]

Management, Proposal Management

Why This Business Metric is Crucial to Understanding Your Business

November 10, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

In the intricate world of business metrics, some indicators take precedence due to their direct correlation with the viability and growth of a business. One such crucial metric is CAC or Customer Acquisition Cost. Delving deep into its significance, calculation […]

Management, Proposal Management

4 Surefire Ways to Be Exceptional With Your Customer Care

November 6, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Igrew up slinging dishes and, at one point, was a server at the coolest Mexican restaurant in town. Anyone who was or is a server knows that the nicer you are to customers, the bigger your tips. But you may […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

Small Business Owners On Entrepreneurial Challenges And Strategies

July 21, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Women entrepreneurs often find themselves battling gender inequality in financing, real estate negotiations, and many other aspects of building a successful small business. Rather than see these small business challenges as insurmountable, many consider them to be opportunities for growth […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

How Home-Packed Lunches Became a Thriving Business

June 22, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

When starting a business, finding your niche can take you far. “Mexican Mom,” Gina Antimo, first noticed a need for homemade Mexican meals 15 years ago when her husband, Jaime Reverté, brought lunches she packed for him to work and […]

Management, Proposal Management

How to Handle Customer Complaints

February 15, 2023

Via: CO

Although handling customer complaints isn’t the best part of business ownership, resolving and learning from them benefits your brand. When customers reach out with a problem, you have seconds to listen, understand, and emphasize. A poor experience can compound the […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

These 5 Things Make Small Businesses Successful

November 9, 2022

Via: Small Biz Club

From those who have owned small businesses for years to those intent on starting a business from home, having a clear understanding of the best small business practices can make it easier to find success. Having some guidance around the […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

What development of LLM best practices means for the enterprise

June 3, 2022

Via: Venture Beat

Large language models (LLMs) and multimodal AI are the cutting edge of AI innovation, with applications trickling down to the enterprise from the ‘Googles’ and ‘OpenAIs’ of the world. We are currently seeing a barrage of LLM and multimodal AI […]

Leadership & Career Development, Management

My Organization Has Gone Agile: How To Make The Transition

April 26, 2022

Via: Digital Project Manager

They say life isn’t linear, but your career path as a project manager may have looked like this: Life seems good. You work on interesting projects with great people. You have learned how to do project management within a structure […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

5 Smart Ways For Companies To Collect Customer Feedback

February 17, 2020

Via: Business 2 Community

Having proper data about customer feedback is the most challenging thing today. But is it just enough to get certain feedback from the customer? Just knowing whether the customer is happy with a particular product or service is not enough […]

Management, Strategy & Planning

Optimize Customer Feedback Data to Drive Business Success

July 17, 2019

Via: Business 2 Community

Use Customer Experience Data to Enable Success The quality of the Customer Experience (CX) is an important variable impacting the overall success of an organization. According to the Gartner Customer Experience in Marketing Survey, more than two-thirds of marketers say […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

Is Your Marketing Working? You Won’t Know Till You Test It

June 7, 2019

Via: Entrepreneur

In business, what gets measured gets managed, and that’s especially true for marketing. It’s important to test your marketing strategy — you won’t know if you’re on the right track until you take the time to analyze the results of […]