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How Perfect Circle Recycling Created a Sustainable Business Plan

May 25, 2023

Via: CO

In 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimated that 66 million tons of food waste was generated and 60% of it was sent to landfills. Now, more than ever, businesses are looking to create a sustainable business plan that involves balancing environmental impact and profitability, while also considering the social and economic aspects of the business.

Kristi King, President of Perfect Circle Recycling (PCR), created a business model centered around sustainability, which recycles packaged food and beverage waste, including organics, plastics, cardboard, and metal. PCR charges an upfront tipping fee to dispose of waste through sustainable outlets, such as compost, anaerobic digestion, and animal feed, and captures the commodities and sells them for recycling — prioritizing sustainability in everyday processes.

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