
Tag: marketing

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

Unsubscribe: How to Ensure Your Customers Can Opt Out of Your Marketing

May 13, 2024

Via: CO

Building and regularly using an email list is one of the best ways to grow your business. However, a certain percentage of customers will inevitably unsubscribe. That’s why it’s important to understand the laws and best practices regarding email unsubscribes. […]

Finance, Marketing, Marketing Strategy

How to Create a Marketing Budget for Your Business

April 29, 2024

Via: CO

You know you need to market your business, but coming up with a marketing budget is challenging. Marketing budgets can vary substantially depending on your business goals, industry, and the type of clients you work with. Here are six steps […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

How to Build Buzz Around Your Small Business

April 12, 2024

Via: CO

When launching a new product or service, companies strive to build buzz and excitement to generate consumer interest. According to a new study from Binghamton University, strategic preannouncement marketing — carefully choosing when to release general information and when to […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

How New Businesses Can Create a Content Marketing Strategy

April 5, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

Wherever you are in your business journey, you’ll need a content strategy to communicate with external and internal audiences — whether they’re potential customers, new employees or other industry experts. As your business grows, your content strategy will naturally evolve. […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

How to Harness AI for a Competitive Edge in Marketing

April 2, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

Have you ever wondered how your favorite local spots seem to know exactly what you’re craving or what book you’d love to read next? This isn’t luck — it’s the power of artificial intelligence (AI) at work. The digital era […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

5 Ways to Get on the Media’s Good Side (and Stay There)

March 28, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

In this on-screen world we all share, the surest way to get your business noticed is through all the various media channels people see on their devices, whether that’s inclusion in newsfeeds, articles in online news outlets, featured segments on […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

Common Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Should Avoid

March 5, 2024

Via: Small Biz Club

Small businesses, with their limited resources and tight budgets, often face unique challenges in marketing. While trying to compete with larger companies, they can sometimes make critical errors that can impede their growth and success. Understanding these common mistakes can […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

7 Ways to Create a Seamless Marketing Campaign Across All Platforms

February 29, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

Investing in digital marketing is no longer a desire but a strategic step that can lead a business to success. According to The Global Strategic Business Report, the digital marketing market is growing at an annual growth rate of 13.9%. […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

Are You the Face of Your Business? You Shouldn’t Be — These 3 Practices Can Help You Change Your Branding

February 28, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

When most of us think about a small business, we think about a local retailer, a restaurant owner, a service provider or a small manufacturing company. In a smaller organization, the owner is often the “face” of the business. After […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

Navigating the Diverse Marketing Landscape of Black America — How to Foster Authentic Engagement, Loyalty and Respect

February 28, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

As the United States commemorates Black History Month, corporate marketers must challenge the oversimplified perception of Black Americans as a monolithic group. The United States comprises a diverse array of Black experiences, encompassing descendants of enslaved Africans, recent immigrants from […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

Build Long-Term Customer Loyalty With These 3 Relationship Marketing Strategies

February 27, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

The key to building a successful brand is to resonate with customers. That’s a challenge for any brand at any time. But in 2024, it will be even more difficult than usual. For starters, the days of buying third-party customer […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

How to Optimize Voice Search Marketing in 2024

February 22, 2024

Via: Small Biz Club

Who would have predicted that voice technology would gain such high adoption rates? According to NPR and Edison Research, 62% of Americans 18+ utilize voice assistants on any device. The latest Edison research also indicates that 36% of Americans own […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

How to Make PR Campaigns Customer-Focused Instead of Company-Focused

February 21, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

When I started out as a marketer of both people and places, I’d learn as much as I could about my clients and then create collateral that presented them in their best possible light — relaying how educated and experienced […]

Leadership & Career Development, Management

What Your Brand Needs to Unlock The Power of Thought Leadership

February 16, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

Establishing your brand as a leader in your industry is more crucial than ever. Around two-thirds of marketers — about 66% — recognize thought leadership as a “top priority” for their marketing organizations, but only some know what steps they […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

6 Instagram Story Strategies That Will Grow Your Following

February 16, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

Instagram has become indispensable to any business’s digital marketing strategy, boasting over 1.3 billion active users, 3.76 billion daily visits and 500 million daily story users. This platform provides a substantial opportunity for businesses to engage with their target audience […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

5 Proven Ways to Maximize Your Profitability as a First-Time Author

February 15, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

Getting published as an author is a major milestone. Yet despite how hard it is to get published in the first place, it’s estimated that over 4 million new books were published in 2022 between traditional and self-published authors. That’s […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

6 Innovative Marketing Strategies Designed for Startups

February 14, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

Building a business from the ground up is an exciting endeavor. While many entrepreneurs dream of launching their very own startup, few pull it off successfully. Statistically speaking, 20% of all startups fail in the first year. Flash forward five […]

Leadership & Career Development, Management

The 4 Personalities You Need on Your Marketing Team

February 14, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

If you work with the right people, you don’t need to have all the right answers. I grew a marketing team from two to more than 80 employees in a handful of years. We’re still growing regularly to support Authority […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

6 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Business

February 13, 2024

Via: Small Biz Club

The last thing any business wants to do is to be the cause of their own downfall purposely. However, sadly, this is the case for many small business owners, and there are multiple ways you can be instrumental in the […]

Marketing, Marketing Strategy

5 PR Tips Any Company Can Use to Get Media Coverage

February 12, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

Here’s a simple truth: Companies like yours have incredible stories and expertise to share — and that’s also what makes them so primed for press coverage. In turn, press coverage is incredibly valuable for your SEO, brand awareness, marketing collateral […]