
Tag: soft skills

Leadership & Career Development, Management

How Entrepreneurs Can Use Metacognition to Drastically Improve Their Business

November 6, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

If you’re an entrepreneur looking to hone in on some soft skills to up your game, you should consider incorporating metacognitive practices into your routine. Psychologists will tell you that athletes are a model example of how metacognition transforms rookies […]

Leadership & Career Development, Management

4 Things Your Business Needs in Today’s Environment

June 20, 2023

Via: Small Biz Club

Workplace digitalization is changing both corporate procedures and management practices. Deployment of new tech is taking place at a breakneck speed and the use of AI is gaining momentum. Regardless of the two opposed AI clans, the outcome is known: […]

Leadership & Career Development, Management

Why Prioritizing Soft Skills in Hiring is Crucial to The Modern Workplace

March 7, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Soft skills are the personal qualities that enable an individual to communicate effectively, work well in a team, and adapt to changing situations. In today’s modern workplace, soft skills have become increasingly important, not just for individual success but also […]