


What Is Marketing Compliance and Why Should You Care About It? Here’s What You Need to Know.

January 10, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Marketing compliance is a term used to describe the actions and practices of a company in order to ensure that it is compliant with marketing regulations. These regulations can vary depending on the industry, geography and other factors. Generally speaking, […]

Marketing, Software and Tools

What development of LLM best practices means for the enterprise

June 3, 2022

Via: Venture Beat

Large language models (LLMs) and multimodal AI are the cutting edge of AI innovation, with applications trickling down to the enterprise from the ‘Googles’ and ‘OpenAIs’ of the world. We are currently seeing a barrage of LLM and multimodal AI […]


Data Compliance Survey: How Seriously Are Businesses Taking Data Privacy Laws?

July 22, 2021

Via: Business 2 Community

Ah, privacy. No matter who you are or where you live, you probably appreciate its benefits in many areas of life. However, when most people think of privacy, they may not immediately think of data privacy… or how important it […]

Management, Proposal Management

Influencer Marketing and Crisis Management: Perfect Combination in a Storm – 7 Facts to Consider

December 7, 2018

Via: Business 2 Community

What do Influencer Marketing and Crisis Management have in common? Not a lot. Crisis Management is as old as the hills. It tends to be dominated by traditional corporate communications agencies or specialist crisis communications ones. Given its maturity, there […]


GDPR Takes Effect: Why Privacy Is Now Stronger in EU Than U.S.

May 25, 2018

Via: Fortune

The European Union’s stringent regime governing how data collectors gather and use its citizens’ information and give consumers more control took effect Friday. It’s known as the General Data Protection Regulation and covers any company that has EU residents’ personal […]